Netprofessional by Calfarme is an ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 Certified Company that designs, manufactures and supplies of bio-cleaning and hygiene products.
We are a market leader in the industry and believe that operational excellence should be complimented by a product range that is supportive of environmental protection. For this reason, we have products that comprise mainly biodegradable or recyclable materials.
In washroom cleaning and deodorizing products, we have pioneered and utilized biotechnology to do away with traditional polluting and hazardous chemicals.
Our products including packaging are biodegradable, certified as environmentally sustainable with low carbon emissions, improve hygiene and are non-toxic.
Netprofessional by Calfarme is proud to be a partner of the Singapore Green Labelling Scheme (Certification No: 043-033 ) with our products certified to meet the stringent standards in being environmentally friendly.
For the company, it translates to higher workforce morale and enhanced company image. And these benefits can be achieved through our proven environmentally-friendly product range.
All our management team and staff of Netprofessional by Calfarme are committed in promoting a green and sustainable environment and will continue to serve you through innovative, cost saving and environmentally friendly washroom products and systems.